One of the hidden stones you immediately hit while moving web sites from one platform to another is the numerous links that search systems store momentarily become obsolete. Of course there are ways to make old links point to same places but sometimes the construct like ?step=2 doesn’t really make any sense anymore… So what you do (especially if you moved from ColdFusion to PHP) is you just make all old links point to the first page and be content… for some time, until you discover that since old links don’t work and new links didn’t propagate yet the site is almost invisible in search engines like Yahoo, Google, MSN and so on…
Tag: clients
AKA pianos in the bushes (as we, russians, are saying).
Last week my sister, who’s very good at income tax, called me and said that some of her clients were looking for a decent guy to help them with their web sites. I happened to be the appointed one.
Nice to know that sometimes good things tend to happen. Although the sites “there” are written for ColdFusion platform I don’t anticipate a huge effort to pay for reengineering them for Linux/PHP/mySQL…
Time will tell 🙂
Free web hosting
Some times you get a request that’s just so plain impudent, that you can’t even say no… Consider this – guy asks for 2GB of space, 15 GB of traffic for free hosting. Fine, I don’t mind that, no problem. But the concept there is to get money from the ads to move to normal paid hosting. So not only he doesn’t consider my hosting to be “normal”, he’s telling me that once he’s done eating off my plate, he’s gonna go spend those money some place else. So he gets hosting, money from ads, people to his web site and I get – nothing?
Something’s not kosher here.