
Hacking WordPress theme – External URL in title still works

At least once a week I get an e-mail about the WP theme hack I posted in January. Most of the people ask how to make the hack work in WP 2.5 and 2.6.

Here’s the simple answer – if you didn’t touch your theme (I didn’t) and if you have just upgraded the WordPress installation itself – then the hack should still work. The original post with instructions is here.

The proof is this post – look at the title and take note that link in the title leads to the main blog page, not to the post itself.

If something actually did went wrong, check the following:

  1. Your theme’s functions.php file or whatever the name of the file with theme’s functions is. It should still contain the code from the original post.
  2. Your theme’s index.php file or whatever the main index template file name is. It should have the original hack as outlined in the original post.
  3. Custom field – the new URL must be in the value field, whereas the custom field name should be url1 or whatever you made it to be.

Let me know if the damn thing is acting up again.

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