
Migration Complete

Migration from Blogger to WordPress is complete, thanks to great importing tool in WP. Although it wasn’t easy, this is the way it worked:

  1. Create an account on
  2. Login, go to Manage->Import to import all posts from Blogger to that account’s blog.
  3. Assign authors. Since I am the only one author here, this was easy.
  4. Manage->Export all posts to the XML file.
  5. Login to your hosted WordPress blog.
  6. Assign authors (again!).
  7. Manage->Import from WordPress, browse for downloaded XML file.
  8. In my case – deal with Uncategorized posts (that I had the majority of), took me around couple of hours to assign them to proper categories/tags.

Last time I touched WordPress was more then a year ago, so I was glad to find out that WP looks better then ever. Number of useful (from my personal perspective) plugins is finally catching up, I was able to find, install and set them up in no time, the blog engine itself is very fast and still good looking.

blog technology

Change is about… changing!

Moving to a dedicated platform/domain from Blogger account proved to be an exciting experience. And WordPress proved to be much better platform then two years ago. Smile.

blog services web

IMified in the blog

IMified ( is a really neat (as I am currently discovering) tool to post to various services via assortment of instant messengers, namely AIM, Yahoo, MSN and Jabber/GTalk. Additionally, WordPress, Blogger (as you can see) and bunch of other sites are supported. Not sure if I like the idea of posting to web services via IM, but when on the road this tool might really be helpful.