
Blog year-end stats recap

Blog Year-end Statistics Recap

The blog is, of course, much older. It’s just that I a) start taking it seriously and b) moved it to the WordPress on a separate domain from Blogger around May. And, obviously, started blogging more often. I dropped Hits from the chart because it doesn’t really give an idea of how traffic is flowing to the blog, since Hits in Awstats (that’s the package I am using) counts in all hits on the web site – search bots, pings, etc.

End of the year is a good time for such a recap. Hope the next year will bring more interesting articles and more joy to both the author and the readers of this blog.


Domains For Sale

Treat yourself with a gift of nice domain name. The option to buy right there isn’t enabled yet, but if you like any of the domain names we have on sale – feel free to contact me an any moment. Oh, and we are open for negotiations, so if you strongly feel you can convince us to sell you something at a different price – don’t hesitate to let us know.


Twitting in a new way

There is a post on Mashable that outlines how to game Twitter into becoming a natural environment to spread malware. There is little to none incentive to create pure spam feeds, as they will, undoubtedly, be closed and all future links will be marked with “nofollow” attribute. Malware, however, is whole another story. In this case the attacker doesn’t have to have clean direct links. In fact, as it is mentioned in original article, attacker, actually, have to mask destination with some sort of shortener (worse yet, if the link looks like “legit” affiliate link). By gathering large enough audience, an attacker can get to them in a single strike. And if the destination look innocent enough, he might get away with it just long enough. After all -it all is still same old social engineering.

Educated guess says that Jaiku might be vulnerable the same way. Just look what happened to the (aka Blogspot) – it became free doorway hosting service right at the beginning…