Thanks to Slashdot now I know the truth. This link leads to the hourly updated section of Bestsellers in DVD. Most of hi-def DVDs there are Blu-Ray. Guess, that tells you how the game is game is going to end.
Author: Zealus
Network Solutions Plays It Dirty
So, after all this time it turns out to be true – someone DOES snitch domain names at the time of the search. Guess who that might be? Some anonymous hacker? Wrong! It’s one of the largest domain name registrar – Network Solutions. Multiple blogs and other sources confirm that NetSol preserves any .com name searched through their web site for at least 4 days “to protect customers from front-runners”.
What it looks like to me is that whenever any company feels too comfortable at the place it is bad things start to happen. But off with the generalizations. I have some clients who have some domains registered through Network Solutions. After a hit like that the company might do all kinds of crazy stuff, so I better have those domains secured at other registrars.
Get A Coach!
The second part of our blogging day happen to be dedicated to small businesses and entrepreneurs. Let’s take a look at ActionCOACH. They are a team of successful businessmen who coaching entrepreneurs. Their task is providing advice and knowledge. Their goal is to push your business to higher level of success.It worth noting that not many startup entrepreneurs appreciate having a coach – for different reasons. However even two of the most successful entrepreneurs – Google founders – hired an executive coach Eric Shmidt. They needed “someone old and mature in the company”. Even big boys need someone to look after them.
Coaching for your business is, of course, completely optional. Have you seen a professional, top-class athlete, without a coach? Hardly. And there is a reason for that. It’s expertise, experience and understanding.