
Good news for

Good news indeed. After the last Google PR update (end of July, as far as I know) – pool cover and pool enclosure manufacturer’ site went from PR=3 up to PR=4, – telescopic pool screen manufacturer web site from PR=1 to PR=4 and – pool enclosure and swimming pool covers producer’s web site is steady on its PR=3.

We’re preparing a research to see what else needs to be done in order to improve search engine positions of these sites. So far it is obvious that we don’t have enough links to them and that seems to be a main problem.

technology web

Testing bloggar

This is just a simple test of bloggar – the blog posting software. Nice thing…

Apparently, you have to “unlock” the blog in order to post to it. So, unlocking is pending…

annoyances technology

Some more about bad ideas

Working with client who recently lost his web sites due to some complications I have discovered yet another great example of how stupid ideas can make it all the way up. There’s this provider I’m sure a lot of people are familiar with, – especially on West Coast. In order to figure mail server names I went to their support pages…

Guess what? The “customer friendly” web site has all the help articles and forms to open via JavaScript. So if you finally made it to the article you were looking for and wanted to bookmark it (yes, some people do that) – tough luck, sorry, dude, can’t help ya. Oh, and if you were hoping you can just copy-paste the URL and at least get to the tech support index page – no can do, nope, nicht, nein, nyet. If you try that you simply get an error. Sometimes I wonder if people who do this do think at all… reminds me of a centuries old anecdote about a letter writing clerk who didn’t write letters to destinations he wasn’t willing to go. Reason – his writings could only be read by himself…

“No way out”. On the bottom of the page is says “Powered by Support Soft”. Good job, folks. Keep it soft, we’ll take it from here.