clients humor web

This is hilarious!

Flags of the countries… with clients’ comments… Click here.

clients flash video

New movie for AquaShield

In the process of creating a new flash/TV movie for AquaShield. To me it looks amazing, you can see a screenshot on the left. The movie features pool cover assembly process in full 3D and full color. Honestly – I wanna see this on TV 🙂

annoyances sales

Pricing Structure

Not sure if I am the only one who get clients like this one, but hear read me out.

Potential client calls and asks for a pricing quote. We assess the scope of work and present him with certain numbers that we think are reasonable and well thought. Clients immediately (i.e. without any sort of consideration) replies that “5 years ago someone else did the site for this guy for XXX dollars, why are you charging more?”.

Indeed, why?