Russian court found the owner of AllOfMP3 not guilty of breaching the copyright. Now, if I can only go to Russia and open a video store, something like AllOfDivX…
Month: August 2007
Migration Complete
Migration from Blogger to WordPress is complete, thanks to great importing tool in WP. Although it wasn’t easy, this is the way it worked:
- Create an account on
- Login, go to Manage->Import to import all posts from Blogger to that account’s blog.
- Assign authors. Since I am the only one author here, this was easy.
- Manage->Export all posts to the XML file.
- Login to your hosted WordPress blog.
- Assign authors (again!).
- Manage->Import from WordPress, browse for downloaded XML file.
- In my case – deal with Uncategorized posts (that I had the majority of), took me around couple of hours to assign them to proper categories/tags.
Last time I touched WordPress was more then a year ago, so I was glad to find out that WP looks better then ever. Number of useful (from my personal perspective) plugins is finally catching up, I was able to find, install and set them up in no time, the blog engine itself is very fast and still good looking.
Change is about… changing!
Moving to a dedicated platform/domain from Blogger account proved to be an exciting experience. And WordPress proved to be much better platform then two years ago. Smile.